Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me

Ed and I went to see the Boston taping of "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me" last Thursday. It was sooo much fun. The crowd was especially pumped about the election. Peter Sagal joked about how he used the spend summers in Boston when he was growing up and this was the first time he'd seen Bostonians really happy and making eye contact with strangers. Ed is not the "Wait Wait" fan that I am, but he found the taping to be much more funny than he was expecting. Barney Frank was particularly quick-witted as the "Not My Job" guest.

A picture of the stage from Flickr.

Listen to the Boston show online.


JB said...

Sounds like it was a blast. Wait Wait is second only to Car Talk, IMHO.

I'm still not used to a non-WBUR schedule.

claudia said...

I heard this was a good show.

Have a great vacation! What an awesome destination. Pictures please!!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you got to go to a taping!