More snuggling. (We try to provide equal snuggling opportunities for Lola, but she usually prefers to supervise from afar.)

Hosting Brad en route from Reykjavik to DC. The kittehs, they flock to him.

Being disappointed by Law & Order. You're on national TV. Get a copy-editor!

Finishing up the kitchen. The kitchen is almost done -- pics to come later!
Volunteering at the Children's Room, an organization that helps grieving families, for the National Day of Service. There was a great post about this on EmilyStyle, which is where I found the USA Service web site and signed us up. It ended up being perfect for us. We worked with a team to assemble IKEA Billy bookcases (which I can almost do blindfolded) and secure them to the walls. We loaded them up with books. The bookcases needed to be shimmed, so someone bought a package at the hardware store and Ed used a butter knife to score them. We had a few tools with us, but we should have brought more. :)

Afterward, Ed and I sealed an outdoor bench with tung oil. He noticed some areas in the basement that needed a professional's attention, so he wrote up a brief report with some recommendations. All in all, it was very satisfying. We were really impressed with the work that the Children's Room is doing. I'm sure we'll be involved with them in the future.
I don't know who that Brad is but he's got some cat karma.
so is brad's stint over in iceland?
am i so blind or grammatically challenged i can't see the error????
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